NTU Sojourn 2008
And I totally can't recall VCH (Victoria Concert Hall)'s location la..But hey before you condemn me, I have my reasons one lo. For one, when I was the performer, we always took coaches. Performers go in a different way mah. I haven't come as a commoner for quite some time. Hahahaha. Now I look forward to getting lost at NUS Cultural Ctr for NUS Concert in 2 weeks time. Hahahahaha.
Performance was great! Although Alan and I did discuss the first 5 pieces before the intermission was pretty heavy. Hahahaha.
During the intermission, we caught sight of Kah Xian (My JC bandmate aka trumpeter aka Student Conductor) and his gf, just sitting right in front of us. Saw Zhan Yi (My JC bandmate aka flutist) as well. And surprise surprise, Cedric (JC bandmate aka Trombone player) came too. Plus Shiyuan the oboe-ist, Alan the Tube player, me the percussionist, Daniel the Tuba player, Jiahui the flutist (performing on stage), Zhi Yih (oh man, was he a flutist or horn player :S?), we might as well have had our own little band performance too. Hahahaha. Like playing Hawaii 5 O (I can see Alan cringe). Hahahahahaha.
J.H = Jiahui (performer of the night)
Dan = Daniel
SBB = Zhi Yih
C.L = Cedric
Z.Y = Zhan Yi
Shiyuan: "Eh dun always 偷拍 people la."
Me: *bleah
Shiyuan :"-_-"
That's when you catch people's candid moment ma!
The piece "In the Monastery Garden", quite a number of the male band members had to stand like this:
**With regards to "In the monastery garden"**
Alan: "It sounds like a love song."
Me: "Alan, it's called "In the Monestary Garden". It cannot sound like a love song."
Shiyuan: "It's probably about, you know, the love of 2 monks."
*roars of laughters*
Me: "Maybe it's the abbot and the little monk."
Alan: "Wah gross!"
Me: "You said it sounds like a love song one lo!"
Alan: "I mean it can be..you know there's a monastery and nunnery built together, then the garden is in the middle...."
*roars of laughters*
We conveyed the message to Jiahui after that and he was rather disgusted. Hahahahaha.
Highlight for me was when they played their Encore piece. Jiahui told us beforehand it was "76 Trombones" and I remembered we whole table erupted in laughters when we heard that. Hahaha.
I remember how Dr. Lee (our JC band conductor) instructed the percussion section to do anything we want with the Perc. instruments as long as we didn't spoil the piece. Hahahaha.
NTU Wind Orchestra's 76 Trombones:
Ok my phone sucked when it comes to recording sounds. For a clearer version by Tokyo Kosei:
For the uninitiated, my JC band played it as the last piece of the repertoire for our J1 concert. And we kinda liked it coz we all remembered ZiQiang's piccolo solo which was like superb. He sounded like a real chirping bird. Hahaha.
It was a good choice of Encore piece, in my opinion, because it's an easy piece and it definitely can stir up some high spirits amongst the audience. Especially for people who don't really appreciate band music (aka the 3 boys in front of me who were busy dozing off. Argh).
The concert ended on a high note, because Mr Takehiro Oura prompted us to clap hands during the piece. Hahahaha.
By the time the concert was over, it was like near 10.30pm already. We headed back to Raffles Place MRT station and on our way there, we caught some really nice night scenery:
Alan = Alan
Now I am looking forward to NUS concert! Hahahaha. Haven't been to NUS cultural ctr since Tokyo Kosei's performance man.
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