Marvel's The Avengers

I've joined in the global craze for The Avengers.

Caught it and LOVED it. To be honest, I went in with some really deep fears. Is the movie going to give equal screen time for all heroes? Is the storyline going to be shits because it has all these mega characters (Transformers anyone?)?

I love how the director intelligently compressed a library of superheroes into a solid 2.5 hours movie brimming with humour and adventure (personal favourite has to be the physical humour between Hulk and Loki). The cast works really well together and I like how each actor brings out the human side of their superhero character. Instead of creating an uneven mix on trying to focus more/less on any characters, a very balanced emsemble was created instead. You don't even have to wait till the end of the movie to applause, just seeing Hawkeye, Black Widow, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America assemble into the screen at the same time is amazing enough. 

The action scenes weren't just dull flames and mindless explosions (erm Transformers again anyone?), they were a complete joy to watch. It makes you go "THE MOVIE DID IT!" after it ends. 

Just remember not to leave the theatre until after the initial credits. ;-)

I'm giving it 5.0/5.0 stars! And I'm so going to catch it again! But that's going to take place only after the initial wave of crowd dies off. Haha. I want to catch it with less kids fidgeting around me, and I don't want to hear anymore men whispering to their gfs the storyline or the characters. 

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