
I'm crazy and that's official.

I slept at 3.30am (erm..if you want to know what I was doing..I was typing out this chinese essay I wrote about 4-5 years ago..i think was 4-5 years ago..not even done with the story and it's like 18 pages long in MS word already :S I changed bit of the storyline and the structure I wrote it in. Oooo..I can say it's a piece of work I am proud of..hahaha)..oh besides that essay that I was typing, I was working out how to work the Bittorrent Client..which I can say I sucked at it...buahahaha! Simin! Cannot la..I can't do the Bittorrent Client thing, the dramas just don't load..


In the end I changed back to my old China serials downloading tool, eMule..ahhahaha..That's like so much easier to function leh....but how come Ethan and Simin both make it sound like Bittorrent was much much easier ah... *scratches her head*..ok I can only say I am an IT idiot la, taking into account one is a comp engineering student and one is a CAT TA (which, for non-SMU people, it translates into Computer as Analysis Tool Teaching Assistant)

Oh I haven moved into why I am crazy part...yea I did all that above when I was running a fever last night and I remembered Keris told me to sleep so I could KTV later around noon, and on the account my mum yelled at me for like the 5th time to go and sleep (but Ma! that was like 11.30pm!), I went off to lie around but couldn't get to sleep. I guess not being able to make Bittorrent Client work did not help in the sleeping part. Ok I can't sleep when the things I want to get done did not get done. So I got up again and went off to my laptop :S

Now still having a giddy head and a bit of fever. Guess I have to give the KTV a miss man...:S Paiseh SMUBEings! Scared the noise in KTV will worsen things and spoil the fun for everyone :S

Anyway I got up pretty early today coz I am determined not to waste my holiday, which I think I will waste it today given my state of giddiness -__- I woke up to check my eMule, only 2 episodes downloaded -__-, ok la, given that I left my comp only bout 3.5 hrs ago (I woke up at 7am), I give eMule the benefit of the doubt.

And while I was making breakfast, I started singing "YuHui is crazy" in some children's song's tune, which I can't even remember the name but happen to remember the tune -__-, given a chance, I will sing it to yor next time. Well given I remember the new lyrics I came up with.

And then I started asking weird questions and doing weird things.

"Pa, why people eat vegetarian food on the 1st and 15th of the lunar month? why cannot eat on the 2nd?"<

"Ma, look here, look here."*flash a super big grin* and then I walk away.

I stirred my hot chocolate and danced to the self-sang (oh can I say it sounded terrible with my flu-ish voice) "Old Macdonald had a farm".

I started disturbing my dad by asking him why people give offerings to the dead. "They receive it meh? Yes? No? maybe? yes? no leh..yes?"

OK..siao kia is going to drink her hot chocolate now and continue to go crazy. Oh gawd, did I mention I am a sugar-high person? U gif me carbs or anything sweet, and YuHui springs into action almost instaneously...buahahaha..

ok..giddy liao...ciao...

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