Halloween 2012 @ USS

Scaring myself to death is slowly becoming my must-do for Halloween in recent years. Maybe I should try going for costume parties next time. Hahaha.

Anyhow, a bunch of us headed down to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) for its Halloween Night. The number of people is just crazy. These are the people waiting for the Sentosa Rail (get us to Sentosa Island where the USS is located). Some got fed up with the queuing and decided to walk instead. We almost wanted to do that since it's only about 20 minutes but some ladies were in heels so we scrapped that option.

We were pretty lucky because we queued early and the crowd were cleared relatively quickly. Just remember not to get into EZ Link card problems. Hurhur. 

We spent on average an hour queuing for each haunted house. The more popular ones like the Haunted Alley and the Insanitarium probably took slightly more than an hour. Didn't manage to take many pictures as well because I was either screaming/running for my life or just too tired from the heat and queueing to take decent photos. Hahaha. We didn't manage to cover all the haunted houses though because we were more concerned about having enough time to ride the Transformers 3D. Ok fine, that was actually the main dish for the night. Hahaha. 

The Transformers ride was.....so.freaking.crowded. I've never queued so long for a ride, oh wait, make that anything, in my entire life. The queue just went on...

and on..

and on..

before we saw a glimpse of hope:

And guess what? The ride only lasted 5 minutes! HAHAHAHAHA. It was such a huge WTH moment when we realized it was only 5 minutes! Hahahaha. We spent almost 2 hours queueing for it! WTH! Hahahaha.

But I can die in peace now that I've taken the ride. I'm also done with this theme park for the time being. Hahaha. 

Verdict of the night: Just pay that S$40 for the Express Pass if you are expecting some form of a crazy crowd. It's really really really worth it ;-)

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