
It's ok guys, I'm still alive. Hurhur :)

I'm currently working on a new blog template so I've lost all motivation to post photos and write about them in this boring one. Hahahaha. I just lose interest in things so quickly. GAH.

I do realized I get more readers daily when I DON"T write that often. Nawww why like that. Clearly disappearance makes the heart grows fonder. Hahaha.

Work is getting crazily busy these few weeks as one of the analysts is leaving and I'm taking over her portfolio. Oh wait did I mention the intern ended his stint with us and I also took over his projects? My boss is leaving in a month's time and my new manager is coming in 2 weeks' time! He's none other than Steve, my direct report back when I was in consulting just 2-3 years ago. World is too small! :D We are going to be in the same department again and rock things out. Like we used to. Hahaha.

So I've also taken over some parts of what my current boss is doing... just so everything gets hand over properly. I sound like I'm taking over the entire department's work. I hinted to my boss I'm not paid well enough for that workload. HAHA. I hope he caught that.

All in all, life has been amazingly kind and generous to me. Mega contentment lah.


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