My beloved fone is gone :~(

My SE K800i is only 2 weeks old. And it was pickpocketed in Bedok.


My beloved phone. Thank god it's only 2 weeks old. Dere was practically no fotos or anything nice inside..hahahaha..all the fotos i haf transferred to my frens! dun worry bout things being leaked onto the net..hahaha

Wanted to buy back the same phone..but the cheapest one I can find for K800i w/o line is around $638. Bloody hell. The only consolation I can give myself is.....the phone has software prob. It always white flashes and then hangs or it will auto shut off.

I hope the person who took my phone gets a terrible outbreak of pimples.

But Cui says it's not good to curse people.

Okay. I hope you have half a face of pimples then.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about the lost of your phone... =(
    I know how it feels la, my phone was pickpocketed in TM a month ago.. and it was a 3G phone la.. Damn heartache, and my situation was worse, because I only used the phone for 3 days. Ugh... So sad.

    In case you're wondering who I am, I'm Janel, from your korean intermediate class. hahaha. Hello!

    xoxo Jank


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