Showing posts with label Geek Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geek Girl. Show all posts

Meet Mylo!

Can I give thanks again about how LUCKY I am?!

A few months ago, I met Nikon V1 for the first time at a gathering. I fell in love with it at first sight. I love how light it is compared to a DSLR, but yet still able to produce some really gorgeous shots.

"How much does this retail at?" I asked the golden question. My ex-colleague replied "I bought it at $1,200. including the lens". My heart fell, there's no way I would spend a 4-figure sum on a camera (well unless I'm earning 5-figure monthly! HAHAHA I'm sensible like that).

"I guess I could look for second-hand ones online" I mentioned it to Matt, my bro who's a photography-fanatic. "I could help you spot some deals from the forums. Just tell me your budget" he said.

A few weeks ago, I received an email from him that he spotted an awesome deal for a black Nikon V1 (I wanted white). Apparently the seller won it at a lucky draw but he doesn't want it. He was letting it go at $450, completely brand new and comes with 15 months warranty! :O "Do you want it? If you want, I will notify the seller. I understand it's not the colour you want, but this is a real steal man." my bro said.

No shit! The offer was a no-brainer. I knew I had to get it, and so I did.

So everyone, meet Mylo (yes I name my gadgets). Mylo, meet everyone :)

Can't wait to have fun with it! 

And yes, I've been too crazily blessed and lucky these days :) Thank you, greater powers! :) 

Blogged from my iPhone

a-JAYS yay!

I received an unexpected present from my bro 2 days ago.

a-JAYS earphones! I've never been a fan of high-end earphones because well, I believe all earphones are made equal and I don't think I can tell the difference anyway. Hahaha. Bro suggested a list of songs I could listen to, just to teach me how to tell the difference. MAN, they sound AH-MAZINGGGGGGGG. 

No kidding. I'm hearing some awesome bass and background singers that I never knew existed. The only downside is there's this audible whipping sound when the cord brushes against something. It's ok, I can live with that. Hahaha.

Blogged from my iPhone

What a steal!

Matt is selling me a T61 at $180! He's going to clean it up and pass it to me with Photoshop, MS Office and all other cool stuff installed.

What a steal. I'm going to believe I'm lucky to get this deal. Haha.

Blogged from my iPhone

The passing of an iCon

I guess most people were expecting the day to arrive, especially after T*im C*ook over took in August. But I guess no one expected it to come so soon. Like how he held on till the release of iPhone 4S, and the news of his passing came like a final wry to his famous "and one more thing..".

Yes I am referring to the passing of Steven P Jobs.

Like most people, I've never met him. I hardly know him. I don't even own many A*pple products with the exception of an early Ipod Nano and my new iPhone.

But the sadness is overwhelming. I remembered getting the piece of news from my friend via Whatsapp. And like many people who were commuting on the train that day, we received the news via one of his coolest inventions this century - the iPhone.

I've never been the greatest fan of Apple, mainly because I didn't enjoy following what most people are crazy about. But I guess good products will eventually win people over. Me included.

I remembered watching this in 2008, when I just graduated. It was inspiring:-

That's when I started paying attention to Apple, to Steve Jobs.

He is the charming "crazy one", the round peg in q square hole, a genius who has reinvented so many of the things that we never knew could be made better, faster, and more beautiful. Of course, success can never be attributed to just one person. But I guess no one can deny his contributions to the 21st century.

"Here's to the crazy ones, the rebels, the troublemakers, the ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

RIP, Steve Jobs. Thank you for making the world a better place and inspiring people this way.

Iphone 4

Creepy boss aside, I'm going to get my new phone over the weekend. Singtel was very sweet to waive my penalty fee for early re-contracting because my phone had died prematurely.

I'm so going to get the iphone! In white :)))

And yes I will be contactable once again. Been getting too many unknown missed calls!

Antique Olive

After trial and erroring these various fonts over the last few days, I think I finally found one which I am comfortable with.

It's called.. well. Antique Olive.

It has this roundness to it, something similar to my own handwriting. Me likey. Just that the smiley face doesn't quite come out nicely. HAHAHA


Get my point? It looks like it has spasms or something. I'll just change it to :D or =) moving forward.  

=). :D

(which also mean I don't have much choices when it comes to emo faces - and that translates to a message that I should be more positive and upbeat moving forward! :D )

The coveted iPhone 4. In white

I've not been the biggest fan of iphone. It has awesome apps yes, it looks cool yes. But the touch screen testing gets to me.

Well I was adamant to stick with my BB (thinking of getting the white one soon) until I saw this.


Plus the part that my current BB keeps hanging on me - totally straw that's going to break the camel's back. Hurhur.

Shall go check out the price ;). Hopefully my $550 voucher from Singtel can be put into good use! :)

I guess it's Windoze after all

I've spent much time researching, contemplating, researching, trying out Macs at Epicentre, and then researching and more contemplating.

Much as I would love to own a nice slick silver laptop with a bitten apple on the top, I guess I'll be heading for Windows :(

Practicality over looks I guess.

As how I've always done things in my life. Haha.

If push comes to shove, I'll just stick a sticker of a bitten apple on my new Windows laptop then.

To mac or not to mac

I'm still caught and I have only 2 days to decide because MacBook Pro student discount is going to end soon :(

How how how how?!?!?!?!?!

The only thing holding me back

Mac OS doesn't support P2P show downloading systems very well :(

BB Torch lust

I'm totally drooling.

Touchscreen and keypad!

What more can one ask for.

I'm such a gadget whore la.

Beauty in red

I love my new laptop! I think I can churn like 2 million pages report tonight.

That's the hidden agenda behind my new laptop - the 3rd project just fell onto my lap whereas the associate who came in same time as me is only doing one!

I don't know whether to be flattered or think that they might secretly want to work me to death. Hahaha

Super geek want

If it means I need to plaster my face to the glass window every other day just to feel so close to the iPad, I might just do it.

 So drool worthy.


I want to get an iPad.

So nice. -

Kindle 2

It's so sexy.

I can picture myself holding this sexy little thing and standing at the bus stop in style while enriching my gray matter at the same time.

Should I?

Geek Wants

The lady next to me in the train is reading Twilight on her Amazon Kindle.

I want a Kindle too! I can then read my life away.

Blogged from my BB

New laptop

Now that I don't have to spend a crazy amount of money to get my Blackberry back, I can still that spare amount of money into my laptop fund!!!!

Which one should I get :) ?

Love of my life

I can't get enough of my Blackberry Bold.

I absolutely love it! =)

Oh no I have not done the unthinkable of syncing my corporate email to it yet - but my boss is urging and asking if I have it done yet =S I might want to think a little bit more before committing myself to such a serious relationship. Haha

I'm still scouting for a nice case for my BB and I'm absolutely in love with the Vaja Crystal Case:

The colour and design can be customized and all Vaja cases are hand made. It's durable and nice!

But it costs $200 =(

Bleah to expensive BB accessories.

Something cheery

I figured my previous blog template is depressing as hell.

Time for something bright and cheery! At least it reflects me ;-)

Had a fun time tweaking the javascripts and now I have it to my liking!!!!

The only thing is..well I lost all my blog links =(( And I can't remember all except those of my sister's and cousin's. Amanda's one was easy to remember because it was her name.

Could you guys send me your blog links so I can update?

Blog skin

I'm finally convinced of this trait of mine.

I cannot be left with nothing to do.

Tried to stop myself from working - I ended up researching a bunch of irrelevant information to keep myself busy, re-arranged my farm in Farmville and...

Now I am thinking of changing my blog skin. Again.


Blackie obsession

I'm thinking of getting a Blackberry.

Not to mention Blackberry Bold 900 is incredibly sexy:
I have every desire to move over to the dark side ;)
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