Of weird nightmares and superb catching up

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I have been having weird nightmares these days. 2 nights ago, the dream had me in a class. And then suddenly the whole place turns dark, with glowing red background light (like those rooms where you develop photos the old-fashion way). And everyone was panicking. The closet at the side suddenly had smoke coming out of it and 2 bloody-faced ghosts came out. There were 2 female ghosts. :S We ran for our lives and hid in corners while the ghosts tried to find us. The intensity of the dream woke me up and I was in cold sweat :S. Scary.

Last night, I was back in the same place again. But the 2 female ghosts were gone. The professor told us they have been exorcised :S I can't believe the dreams actually linked :S 2 days apart! But the place grew dark and this time it was a dark shadow hovering around. We ran and ran and ran, but it was like the same place wherever we turned :S

And once again, I woke up in cold sweat. And didn't wanna go back to bed :S


The kind of fear reminds me of the time when I had a dream that I was going to my Grandma's place and no matter how many flight of stairs I took, I just can't get to the 7th floor (my Grandma stays on the 7th floor). Like everytime I turn out of the staircase, it's a long stretch of dark corridors. No Grandma house. :S

I'm not discussing ghost stories at night anymore :S

Shudders. OK! NO MORE SCARY STORIES! Let's change a topic....

Had one of the most arduous journey to school today. Despite having an umbrella, I had half my jeans soaked due to the heavy rain -_-.

When I was about to leave City Hall MRT for School of Business, I realise a lot of tourists were taking pictures of the rain. So I joined in. -_-
I reached school half drenched, and my bag totally drenched -_-. SO much for an umbrella. The coldness and an empty stomach signaled the grand entrance of my magnificent headache.

And so the day proceeded with the most tortuous class of the week, made worse by the headache: Analysis of Derivatives. I'm totally lost. Black Scholes model? Neh. I didn't catch much of what the prof was explaining.

As what Jiahui says, the prof has the best pronunciation in the world. I couldn't agree more. :S but he's really nice and sincere, hard to actually you know get pissed with him. Hahahah.

Had food during break, and my headache went off by half. I suspect it's the brain's way of telling me it's time to eat :S But honestly, ask anyone, Yu Hui eats way too much :(

Had a short meeting after class, where we discussed what futures to buy and what trading positions to close. Each of us has US$100K to spend so Heyuan says just spend since our portfolio has earned enough and we are ready to be greedy. Hahahahaha.

Went to meet Jiahui, Huixin and Jaclyn in the SMUBE studio after my meeting and head off to Sushi Ichiban (or issit Ichiban Sushi? Argh whatever) for dinner.

On our way there, we passed by the Concourse and saw this:
For a moment I thought someone placed a charred corpse in the middle of the school until JiaHui pointed out it was for some school event.


Keris joined us shortly and it was time of great catching up of Keris's exchange to Korea, JiaHui's exchange to France and my internship in Beijing. It was great catching up and JiaHui laughed till she teared when we were talking about the 9pm show (for the uninitiated, it's 一房半厅一水缸, or Just in Singapore.) We talked about all kinda shit, covering jobs (usual topics for the final year students), tv shows, traveling, people of different cultures, piracy, food, my headache blah blah blah.

We left around 10pm coz the shop was closing and bid each other goodbye :) Talked more with Huixin and Keris on the train back to the East. Talked about my new tuition kid, Lionel as well.

Speaking of which, I need to go get him assessment books tmr and maybe loan some children's books from the library too. He mentioned he needs to finish reading 35 books to get a badge from school but his mum doesn't know where to get the books. And to help them save money, I think borrowing from the lib is better :)

I'm gonna help Lionel get his "Read 35 books!" badge! :D

And before I forget, does anyone have this track?

It's the Lion King Movie Mix. I think it was called "The Lion King Medley" when we played it back in JC. I loved it coz Ben who's on the Timpani complained..hahaha. that he needs to change the musical keys on the Timpani 50 times! Hahahaha. I was playing Tom-toms, Conga and Bongo, so mine was the go with the flow and beat kind. Hahahaha. I remembered I always laughed at him from the drumset when he was jumping up and down each Timpani changing keys.

Gawd I'm evil.

But of course we didn't play everything I think. It was my favourite piece for that year's concert coz I love Lion King. Hahahah.

Anyone has it? Send moi!!!!

I can't find it anywhere :S

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