Hello 2009~~~~!!!!!


2008 just flew by. LIKE THAT. *shudders*

My 2008 was jam packed. From finishing my final semester with SMU, to job hunting, to Commencement (aka Gradutation Ceremony), to more job hunting, to landing my very first official job in my life, to enjoying it...and now loving it =)))

Apart from growing old (which I have yet to come to terms with since I passed the 18 year old mark), I have certainly matured a lot over the year as well.

I know the boys will beg to differ on the maturity part (yes behavourial wise, sadly I still resemble a kid. HAHAHAHA. And outlook wise, I'm sorry I still look young. HHAHAHAH.), but truth to be told, graduation, job hunts, landing myself an almost dream job (yet to be DREAM job because I feel inadequate for the role =((  ) has helped me understand myself much more.

My New Year Resolutions will not get published as usual. They will only be revealed after the year end so I don't get condemned for not finishing any one on the list. Hahaha
Last year had been good. I

1) Scored my best GPA for my final sem (albeit the part that it didn't really help with the overall GPA..hahah)
2) Started exercising 3 times a week on a regular basis (albeit the part that it kinda disappeared after I start work..LOL)
3) SAW A380 RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES (Shall work on getting a chance to ride it. haha)
4) Have a longer temper (not as short as before but c'mon, I'm working on it. Hahaha)
5) Found a job I love and really hope to stay in the many years to come =D
6) Can give my parents money
7) Lost 4 kg because of a bad gastric flu in July and then still maintained the light weight till now. HAHAHAHA.
8) Have a more feminine wardrobe. (Still working on it! Hahaha)
9) Started a little saving account for my Masters (oh man don't remind me how long it will take...)
10) Have more savings!!!!!!!!

That's it for this entry. 2009 will nonetheless be a challenging year with the bad economy.

Let's just hope.......the year of the Bull/Ox/Moo moo/Cow will be BULLish!!!!!! Just like what it was supposed to signify. Hahaha.

Big Hugs everyone!!!!!!!!!!! May 2009 be a better year ahead!!!! =D

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