Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

Monday, January 1, 2018

*Wipes away cobweb* Wow it's been so so long since my last update here! Since I lack creativity and originality, I've decided to stick with this title moving forward, similar to 2017's and 2016's. So 2017... was quite a year! It has been an immensely fulfilling year for me for both work and personal side of things. 2017 was much more fulfilling than 2016 in many ways but I found myself more whiny and less happy. I'm not too sure why! I guess it's one of those things where you get everything...

Goodbye 2016 and hello 2017!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Amazing. I know we probably say this every single year - but damn this year really flew by! I am every bit the left-brainer so I'll just stick to the same title I have exactly one year ago  So 2016... was a bit of a mixed bag year for me - immensely blessed in personal relationships and financial planning but not that great in terms of work. I guess you could say I gained some, and lost some  WORK It's my 4th year in this company and it's my longest serving company since I...

Goodbye 2015 and Hello 2016!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Because I'm boring and cannot think of a better title, I'm going to reuse the same one I used exactly one year ago. Haha! So 2015... was a fruitful year for me - especially so in terms of financial planning and career related areas.  WORK It's my 3rd year and counting in this company and I foresee myself staying a few more years. My team went through some ups and downs this year, witnessing the departure of 2 analysts. We managed to hire one replacement before the year ends and I'm...

Goodbye 2014 and Hello 2015!

Friday, January 2, 2015

I've not been the best person in keeping this blog updated - and for the daily readers who still bothered to pop by every now and then, I thank you immensely for showering this friend/stranger some of your precious time :) Since this is the first post of 2015, I'll make it a cliched one - one that wraps up the previous year and talks about the next. So 2014.... has been a very ordinary but beautiful year for me. Ordinary because there was no exceptional feat I did in 2014 that makes me want...

H2 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

June is over before I even knew it started. So that half year mark has passed :) I didn't set too many goals for myself at the beginning of the year. After getting rid of an emotional draining boss and ending a mid-term relationship (since it ain't short or long enough hehz), all I had wished for myself was to be a better person, and to walk out of all that doom and gloom of 2012. Ok fine, looking back it wasn't THAT bad. Reminder to self: things always feels worse when you are in them, and it...


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm extremely stuffed from all that Christmas food at home - so that's day 4 of my state of food coma. Will be locking myself in the gym next week man. Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, I'm still grateful for the company of all these amazing people in this festive season :) Oh yes, the food and gifts too :) Hurhur.  Amid all the eating, drinking, partying and gift receiving/giving, it's also time of the year to give thanks for all the amazing things that have taken place in the last 11 months...

The other path

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing with my life if I didn't take the sensible path of going to a business school. No I'm not saying I don't like what I'm doing now (oh speaking of that, I will talk about it in another post). Just a random ponder. Maybe I'll be a street artist playing my drums. Maybe I'll be a programmer because believe it or not, I actually do enjoy writing scripts in my free time. Maybe I'll be a motivational speaker because most of my friends thinks I can motivate people...


Monday, January 3, 2011

And so the new year crept up on us unknowingly ;) I didn't have 2010 Resolutions last year so there's nothing to repost about. Hehe. Nonsense aside, it was a year filled with growth - both mentally and spiritually.Breakup was good, new job is awesome. Visited Japan for the first time, saw snow for the first time, snowboard-ed for the first time, bowl-ed for the first time, left my first job, did a Tequila shot for the first time (in my entire life, yes), visited Philippines for the first time and...

Hello 2009~~~~!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

OH MY GOD 2008 just flew by. LIKE THAT. *shudders* My 2008 was jam packed. From finishing my final semester with SMU, to job hunting, to Commencement (aka Gradutation Ceremony), to more job hunting, to landing my very first official job in my life, to enjoying it...and now loving it =))) Apart from growing old (which I have yet to come to terms with since I passed the 18 year old mark), I have certainly matured a lot over the year as well. I know the boys will beg to differ on the maturity part...

Eh Ya Hor Part III

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Was reading Amanda's blog and came across something she got from her friend's blog: Guys time is precious. Building a career based on relationships and effort. But girls see all the sweet things in a guy when he spends his time on them. The more inefficient, the sweeter. Missing the bus to talk, forgetting to eat to write up a card or even walking on the beach when there’s work to be done. Who has more time wins. Very true. Hahaha. And then I came across another one while blog surfing yesterday...

I thank my lucky stars...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gosh, bout 15 min ago, i nearly died on the road. I thank my lucky stars. I thank the fren who called me. Here's wat happened: It was red light, GREEN MAN. So I cross the road. Half way thru, my fone rang. So i slowed down my steps to dig for my fone in my bag.< As I was about to answer and tk one more step in front at the same time, one bloody car SPED past me. Given the speed, if I din slow down to answer my fone, I won't be writing tis blog entry now. I rem I stunned for a while becoz...

It's nite time again...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

it's the time when sky becomes dark..the streets grow quiet..and the heart feels more calm..listening to leslie cheung's "zhui" now..great track..nv fails to bring me into moods to write some REALLY deep stuff..hahaha..but i shall not write any today..i m too shagged to write anything philosophical..i slept a total of 5-6 hrs in these 3 days..and it's starting to get to me le..shagged..but still doing work..i haf morphed into a work scary..working and working..dunno wat is "rest"
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