Saturday with the Ho-s

Had an exceptionally fun Saturday - the Ho-s are finally back from their honeymoon in Italy. Instead of heading out for meals like what good old 23 - 27 year olds should be doing, we decided to hole ourselves up in their cosy unit at The Belvedere and... cook our own dinner.

Pretty much degenerating into old farts me thinks.

Anyways, since Kelvin did his trademark la-la, I guess I can accept that degeneration. Hurhur. He should really have his own restaurant, which we concluded should be called Woo-La-La. Haha!

Quek as usual, is the master of grills for the night. And seriously, nothing beats grilling awesome chicken thighs to this view. Since it's only weeks prior to Singapore's National Day Parade, we were lucky enough to catch fireworks for the rehearsals as well.

Nope, didn't capture those fireworks. Haha. And phones should really come with better cameras..

Quek's masterpiece(s) comprising of pesto and teriyaki grilled chicken.
Kenneth simmered the remains of their Peking duck lunch into a really yummilicious (no kidding) pot of duck porridge. Only shortfall was, we should have lesser water. Haha. 

Adding on the stewed vegetable dish Charlotte brought from home, tada! It was a reallllyyyyy good dinner! We had plenty of white and red wine as well (since Kenneth still has about 42 bottles left from his wedding banquet..). We wiped out about 5 bottles (I think). Didn't remember drinking that much though.. Not that I can comment since I was more obsessed with the flask of Ribena in the fridge. 
Osbourne (one of Kenneth's dogs)was let out most of the evening - haven't seen him in a long time! He was diagnosed with autism earlier this year and the poor boy was always so stressed when there were people around. He was hardly let out (lest he bite - way too many victims already) and we were quite afraid to be near his cage too. According to Kenneth, he's much better now so he's allowed out on one condition: we weren't allowed to touch him unless he wags his tail and approaches us first. 

Cute little old fart (he's around 42 in human years):

Crispy (the other dog), is the bouncy 1-year old schnauzer - extremely friendly with everyone and too damn adorable haha.
We ended the night with wayy too much ice cream and chips (oh and MIB 3). Highlight of the night was the dessert wine from Italy the Ho-s got from their honeymoon. Apparently they were served that in every hotel they went so they decided to bring it back. We had the Vino Santo (also called Holy Wine) - it's usually paired with biscotti cookies (dunk them in the wine like what you do with Oreos). It was a bit too strong for my liking to be consumed alone so the bisotti cookies really helped. 

We had so much cleaning to do (Cherie even mopped the entire house haha)! But it was worth it la. With the success of this cook-out, I'm really looking forward to the one next week! Hurhur. 

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