The Amazing Spiderman

So the BF and I caught The Amazing Spiderman a couple of hours ago. I must admit I wasn't too open to the idea of having someone else play Spiderman, since Tobey Maguire took my heart away as the first Peter Parker 10 years ago (god I feel old already). It didn't help either that Emma Stone is Gwen Stacy and not Mary Jane (which means no more Emma Stone in future Spidey films?! That's unacceptable.).

That being said, I did enjoy the movie though. Albeit slow at some parts, I thought the director did a great job in developing the background of Peter Parker (a little Batman Begins in that aspect). Well, except missing out the part about how his parents died. Some may find it boring as it's not very action-intensive and some scenes feel disconnected, but I thought it was really easy to follow hahaha. This spiderman does look abit weaker compared to the one Tobey Maguire portrayed a decade ago, but I thought it had an emotional depth to it - like the unresolved anger towards the disappearance of his parents, how he thought fighting street rogues one at a time was a beneficial act to the city (when it was really ruining the police's efforts in cracking down the syndicate), and of course the usual high-schooler's struggle with identity.

It's one of those films which can catch your attention for 2.5 hours and not have you glance at your watch and sigh (Dark Shadows anyone? Johnny Depp didn't even manage to save it..). Oh, and I must add the soundtrack is amazing - well it's James Horner, what can I say ;) ?

According to the BF, The Amazing Spiderman stayed true-r to the comic series, that Spiderman can't shoot web from his wrist - he needed a gadget (to my horror but thanks for clarifying during the movie). And that Gwen Stacy was indeed his first love, not Mary Jane. As you can tell, I'm not too familiar with the REAL storyline. Haha.

Andrew Garfield did grow on me after a while. Hurhur. I personally thinks he looks wayyyyy better in The Social Network. C'mon, no one can resist a well-suited guy (and no overly poofy hair to boot).

His hair was wayyyy too poofy in Spiderman. It made him look like a matchstick - you know big head and stick-like body. I do dig his geek image though - was seriously contemplating getting the glasses he was wearing in the film. Hahahaha. Looks very Barton Perreira :)

Go watch it if you haven't! Oh, and remember to stay through the credits so you can catch something at the end of it ;)

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