
I love going for Hot Yoga. Or rather, I feel connected with my instructor.

"Smile. Smile while you breathe, smile while you are in pose. Smile while doing everything, just like life". This statement of his used to get my on nerves all the time, especially when I'm struggling to move/stretch muscles that I never knew I own. 3 months on, I decided I had enough of getting frustrated with imperfect postures and that it doesn't matter if I lose my balance or make a fool of myself. So yesterday I made peace that I still need time to build my core strength. I smiled, breathed and went with the flow.

Guess what? I finally flowed seamlessly into the Warrior Three Pose. Thrice. No quivering, no fidgeting to fight for balance. Wait for me, Bakasana, I will get there. Hahaha. The rest of the class yesterday was spent smiling, taking long slow breaths and completely focused. I didn't even notice I was still wearing that smile when class ended until my instructor pointed it out.

"Smile, happy looks good on you." I'm getting you, coach. Totally getting you now :)


  1. haha. i agree, at times it is frustrating when the instructor is saying smile when you are struggling. but i love hot yoga! it gives me a peace of mind just focusing on the poses!

  2. Totally agree. I guess another reason is I've always been someone who's afraid of the cold so hot yoga really works for me. Hurhur.


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