Showing posts with label Health Goddess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Goddess. Show all posts

Oh hiatus

Good lord. My last post was exactly a month ago.

I wish I could talk about exciting happenings that occurred off the world wide web which has made this blog space less enticing to log into. But....I can't because I have none. The past one month has been a whirlwind of gatherings, the mega office move and wrapping up a lot of loose ends to the budget for 2014. Oh and I finished the second half marathon this year :)

That's the brothers and I post-Standard Chartered Marathon 2013! Yes we swore never to do half marathons ever again since we never bothered to train for them. Hahahaha. But look! Here we are, being complete suckers and making poor life choices, as what the cabbie who drove us to the starting point said. Wahahaha.

Have a feeling this space is going to be empty for a while again as the favourite part of everyone's (I would like to think that way) year is coming in about 2 plus weeks! 

Here's to wishing everyone a really Merry Christmas in advance! :))

There we go again, SCM 2013

I vaguely remembered we swore never to do this again when we completed Sundown Half Marathon about 1 month ago.

So much for not doing this again! Hahaha. The brothers and I have signed up yet again for another one!

If you are interested in signing up for Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore, do it quickly here! This is one of the most established and popular running event of the year for our city-state, so slots and shirt sizes run out really fast. 

Now this time round, I am surely going to train :) Onwards to personal best! :) 


Sign of old age is getting DOMS after trying to run a half marathon without training for it. Hahahaha. DOMS = Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness. Yes there's actually a medical term for soreness after strenuous exercise. It usually occurs within the post-72 hours of said activity.

I've been feeling like a walking bag of broken bones since Saturday morning. Boo. Never doing this kind of distance again without proper long distance training.

On a separate note, just had my official Bahasa Indonesia (Elementary) paper yesterday. Pretty confident I'm going to pass. Cross fingers!

Is that drink making you fat?

That's it, no more Kopi for me. I'm doing the Kopi-C moving forward.

Kopi - Coffee with condensed milk (113 calories)
Kopi C - Coffee with evaporated milk (80 calories)

I have no idea what is kopi hai peng. Hahaha.

For more information on what you are drinking from that favourite coffeeshop in the morning, read this.


I love going for Hot Yoga. Or rather, I feel connected with my instructor.

"Smile. Smile while you breathe, smile while you are in pose. Smile while doing everything, just like life". This statement of his used to get my on nerves all the time, especially when I'm struggling to move/stretch muscles that I never knew I own. 3 months on, I decided I had enough of getting frustrated with imperfect postures and that it doesn't matter if I lose my balance or make a fool of myself. So yesterday I made peace that I still need time to build my core strength. I smiled, breathed and went with the flow.

Guess what? I finally flowed seamlessly into the Warrior Three Pose. Thrice. No quivering, no fidgeting to fight for balance. Wait for me, Bakasana, I will get there. Hahaha. The rest of the class yesterday was spent smiling, taking long slow breaths and completely focused. I didn't even notice I was still wearing that smile when class ended until my instructor pointed it out.

"Smile, happy looks good on you." I'm getting you, coach. Totally getting you now :)


Someone asked me how does it feel after a spinning and hot yoga class. This is my answer. Hahaha. 

Blogged from my iPhone

New found love

I've discovered a new love for this workout combi - Spinning and then Yoga/Hot Flow/Hot Yoga. Don't ask me what's the difference between Hot Flow and Hot Yoga, both are equally hot at 38 degrees and both requires me to stretch muscles that I never knew I own.

Yesterday was Deepavali in Singapore, so that translates into (hurray!) public holiday. Managed to drag myself out of bed at 8am and was the first person to be in the Spin studio. Hahaha. I was expecting the Basic class that I had on Saturday. Guess I should really read class schedules properly next time. It was actually... Challenge category. Imagine my shock when we were made to do high resistance and constant uphill climbing, doesn't help the instructor had his eyes on me most of the time. HAHAHA. Tried to catch up with everyone for the first 30 minutes, before I resigned to my sorry fate that I was really just slow and dying. Hahaha.

Went straight for Hot Flow right after the spinning class and I love it so much! It's actually my first Hot Flow class and I like it better than Hot Yoga. I feel much more comfortable with this instructor I guess. Plus he's really funny.  Hot Flow has a lot more difficult poses - so it's challenging yet refreshing at the same time. I can't wait for the next class already :)

Next item on the list: Continue to find matching slots for both Spinning and Hot Yoga/Hot Flow. It's afterall, a really good workout combi. Hurhur.

PS: Today must be an extremely good day. Because the song list on 98.7FM has been amazing since I stepped into office! My FinMo (financial model) is also ready (well almost) for the final cut.

Ahh, life's little blessings. :)

And I went spinning

So I took my first spinning class this weekend. I didn't exactly planned it. All these years I've been the treadmill girl and honestly it was getting a bit dry. I was so bored on the machine on Saturday, I strolled into the elementary Spinning (RPM) class and eventually stayed on another hour. What's a spinning class, you may ask. It's really just RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), or really just a fancy name for indoor (hardcore) cycling. Hahaha. Read here for more information.

It was done in a studio with various lighting and music settings, and with an extremely hyper instructor. It's almost difficult not to push your limits during the session. We started the class with Moves Like Jagger (I think it's a remixed version because it was soooo fast-paced) and we were all on steady pace and I thought to myself "Geez how is this even tough. I think I can breeze through."

I was so wrong. Midway through the first track, the instructor started yelling for us to increase the resistance on the pedals. This is controlled by a knob in the centre of the bike and is meant to mimic the different terrains - flat roads or uphill. Turn it up and feel the burn man. 

I can totally understand why Mila Kunis, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston swears by it. By the time I disembark myself from the pedals and step off the bicycle, I swear I couldn't feel my legs any more. I was all wobbly and jelly legs during the stretch out session, I really just wanted to sit down and let someone do the stretching for me. I definitely had pushed myself too hard (I blame the music) so the advice is.. there is really no need to  raise the resistance even if your instructor is yelling for that to be done over the loud music. As he put it, as long as there's enough resistance to stop yourself from bobbing up and down in your seat (which really is quite an unpleasant feeling), you are doing fine. 

I must have stretched it out enough to not let the soreness cross over to Sunday though. I do however, have an aching butt (man those seats are uncomfortable) and surprisingly, aching abs. Did I even use those things during my 60 minutes of workout?? 

All in all, I actually do like it. I love how I was all drenched in perspiration just halfway through the session and it's pretty good practice if I eventually do wish to buy my own bicycle. I hope the bum hurts lesser though. It won't be something I will do too often in a week because I don't want gigantic thighs but I guess Pilates and Yoga/Hot Yoga/Hatha Yoga should be able to even that out.

Okay, I hope they are able to even that out. Hahaha. 

If you ever feel too lazy for the gym

Remind yourself of these golden words. Hahaha

Muscle imbalance and all that jazz

It's a bright beautiful Saturday and I ended up spending almost half of it in the gym. Haha. 

Wendy has finally found the time to come take a look at my knee and "load up" on my exercise regime. I'm finally moving away from weird and awkward slow-mo lunges (trust me, one gets self conscious doing that in front of so many fitness instructors walking around) and really painful physio moves. And hurray! I have less resistance when it comes to muscle tearing stretches, which translates to one step closer to running again. 

All these efforts in the last few months just so I can run again. In short, I have muscle imbalance and hence I have issues with external rotation of my right leg (which translates to really crappy running style and hence overuse of small muscles not meant for running). The source of muscle imbalance was an old injury from secondary school that didn't recover completely. Minimal attention are usually devoted to injuries at that age so it went unattended for a while. Knee problems started to become a hassle in university where I started to run more frequently and across longer distances. On my worst days, the dull pain can hit me so hard, the soreness spreads through out my leg (there was a stage my physiotherapist suspected I had Iliotibial Band Syndrome aka IT Band Syndrome) and my lower back. It disrupts my sleep and there are days I can hardly sit still because of the ache. 

Good to know those belong to the past. Haha. 

Wendy upped the notch today by finally placing me on a treadmill to run. However, this "new" running technique is entirely alien to me. Large strides. External rotation. Push off more on the right leg. Don't let your left leg overwork. Every step is consciously made to make sure my right leg does not rotate inwards.

I've never felt so uncomfortable running before :(

Re-training my body and muscles to run the right way is the key focus now. Till then, I won't be doing any marathons or whatsnot :(

So depressing. Hurhur


Just got back from my first Pilates class. It's unexpectedly fun, sans the part that I was mildly distracted by the heavily pregnant instructor who looks like she may pop any time.

I love the people in class! They were warm and nice - and didn't mind that I needed extra guidance since I'm a midway drop-in. Hurhur.

Can't wait for my next session :)

Busted Knee

So. My knee is officially busted. Again. It's gotten worse now that it's causing ache to my lower back as well. I should have listened to my then physiotherapist about continuing those physio moves even after I ended my treatment about erm.. erm.. 5 years ago.

Met up with Wendy to get my knee fixed. There's always that extra perk of having a bestie who's a physiotherapist hurhur. But of course, it comes with additional nagging and extra sets of exercises she's not afraid to push me to do.

I have to meet her every fortnight to up my workout so as to push my knee to recover. No more running for now. Just a lot of painful stretches and exercises with the yoga mat, medicine ball and leg press machine :(

Attaining new heights

I've reached a new milestone in terms of running. No I'm still running at 7km/hr but I've learned to complete rounds of sudoku while running and listening to the TV blaring in the background.

Yes I slowed down to 2km/hr so I can take a proper picture. Hahaha

Blogged from my iPhone

Back with a vengeance

My (previously 4-week long) cough is back with a vengeance.

I'm so tempted to take medical leave this week but it's such a bad week to do so! Argh.


I think I caught some really potent flu bug. Either that or I'm at risk of developing Bronchitis like what the doctor said :(

This cough has been with me for almost 2 weeks and 3 days ago I developed fever. The last 2 nights were dreadful. I couldn't sleep at all because my body was like a furnace and the panadol extras only managed to bring it down for 3 hours before the temperature came back in full force again.

Not to mention the muscle aches and endless coughs. I swear I would have abs by the end of this ordeal :(

Oh god I've never been so sick this often before! I hereby certify myself to be allergic to work and my boss.

The 21 kilometres

I did it.

I completed my first Half Marathon this morning - at timing of 3 hour of 15 min. I wasted about 20 min waiting for the toilet. Too much H2O I say! Hahaha.

They started early this year, which was good. By the time we were done, the sun wasn't even blazing hot and that makes hell of a difference.

The route was beautiful, covering most of Singapore's icons like the The Flyer, Esplanade, Clarke Quay, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Barrage et cetera. Most importantly the weather is beautiful and it was overall a cool run.

My knee started to ache at the 13km mark and I had to walk and limped jogged for the rest of it. Not fun. But the conversations of the NS boys sure kept me entertained. Hahaha. 

Shall take a one week breather and start prepping for the StanChart half marathon at the end of the year! I shall aim for a better timing at below 3 hours. Can't wait :)

My first 10km

Now that my new job doesn't require me to be out of the country that much - I've taken the first step to accomplishing what I wish to complete before I turn 30.

I signed up for the Army Half Marathon and the Standchart Half Marathon. One just to complete - the other hopefully with a better timing.

Did 10 km this morning - at 1.5 hours though. At my 5th km I felt like puking. Hahaha. Can't wait to run more and at better timing!

Semi truth

And so I decided to put a stop to my allergies and see a proper good doctor. My sis recommended hers at P*aragon.

The moment I stepped in - besides knowing I have some rashes on my calf, the doctor took a close look at me and say "You are allergic to the environment, basically the air around you."

Me: "HUH"
Doctor: "Look at your eyes." Then she hands me a mirror.
Me: "But I've always had the bad habit of rubbing my eyes. Since young."
Doctor: "It's the way your eyes is trying to combat the allergy reaction." 

She pointed out that my perpetual flu like nose (including a stage of my life when I had sinus), irritable eyes and childhood asthma are all signs of my allergy to airborne irritants.

By the end of the almost one hour consultation, she passed me the mirror again.

Doctor: "Look at your eyes. They are better now." 

She had an air purifier in the room (I think). The verdict is "I'm sorry I can't cure you. It will always be with you and probably dormant for a really long time. But you can learn how to live and manage it. It's ok, such allergies are very common."

She mentioned allergy to the surroundings might just be one of the many things that could be irritating me. If I really wish to know every single detail, I can opt for a blood allergy test where it costs $700 bucks because the samples are sent to Australia for lab testing against about 700 types of chemicals, food and whatsnot. That's about $1 per chemical. HAHAHA.

But in return,  I get a full detailed report of what irritates me and how I can learn to keep away from them in future. HMM sounds like a good deal.

OMG I might as well live in a bubble la with pure good oxygen. Or maybe drag an oxygen tank around me. Hahahahaha. Now I have to go clear everything on my work station and my home desk as well. Good motivation to unclutter!

Richard says I have atas body system. HAHA

Good thing? It's not food allergy! Back to nom nom nom days. Hahahaha

Sensitive baby

I seriously think I am allergic to something in my everyday life. Something that has been giving me rashes all this while.

But I don't know what it is! Argh.

Hello cute butt

As mentioned, now that I've gotten that new pair of blades, I'm more than determined to put it into good use. After all, the lady at the shop mentioned, based on the charge for hourly rent of a pair of blades, I'll get my money worth after 30 skates. Any skates after that is a premium earned.

Sounds like a plan. Especially if I'm planning to do it long term. That is if my knee decides not to give up on me prematurely. Hahahaha.

Had a 3 hour night skating session with Clara and Weng. It was awesome! Nice chats while skating, nice cool wind in our hair and face. Minus the part I fell twice. Hahahaha

Weekly skating is official!

Hello my cute butt! I can see you already!

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