Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

It's over

Stashed away like any unwanted memories of anyone's life, I hope I won't have to see my Corporate Finance and Introduction to Psychology textbook ever again.

Just finished my Intro to Psychology paper. Well I came out of the exam hall half an hour earlier. Erm, by that time, only one quarter of the class was left in the exam hall ^.^. Whether I was completely done with random guessing of the 100 MCQs or I was real confident of all my answers, it's completely up to individual's view.

End of exams. End of Semester 1 of my final year. Eeks. Graduation is SO arriving.

Somehow, I don't really feel the sense of relief I expected myself to feel. No matter how good you feel after the paper, there's always someone who can make you feel bad. Social Comparison Theory -_-.

And hell yea, I so need a gawd damn haircut. The fringe is totally poking my eyes. And no, I haven't thought of what hairstyle to go next. Hahaha.

And gawd damn it, I am still so puffy at my nose. Argh. Maybe it's time I request some de-puffing drugs from my surgeon. Nearly 10 months post op! And I am still 10-20% puffy! And people, that much puffiness is enough for a human face. Really. Hahahaha.

Quote of the day:"If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes." - St. Clement of Alexandra

And the mugging days shall start

Officially 8 more days to exams. Eeks. And nice, I shall spend my birthday mugging and probably be royally raped by my final exams.

I think this make a nice drink for all u muggers out there. Well, I am joining the dark forces as well now.

When you can't beat them, you just gotta join them -_-||.

May the force be with me.

Quote of the day:"To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first" - Shakespeare

Great-great-grandma of all headaches

I'm at the Psychology project meeting now.

I'm having the worst headache ever.

I feel like puking.

No, it has nothing to do with the Psychology meeting.

I think it has something to do with school.

Coz I was alright the whole day until now.

The conclusion drawn is: I am allergic to school.

Of a chalk-white face and charcoal-dark rings

Finally done with my Corporate Finance presentation today. Didn't sleep the whole night, of course I wasn't alone. All my group mates had only at most 1 hour of sleep.

Thank god we were the first to present. After that, we were more or less quite brain dead.

And tell me about looking so frigging pale and having dark rings that can put that little boy in crappy Jap horror, Ju-on to shame.

Presentation went pretty well:) Great work team! David, Joseph, Vivek, Mabel and our 2 Swedish project mates, Hanna and Hannes (No they are not siblings..hahaha). We must all have a group meal after the exams before Hanna and Hannes fly back to Sweden!

Oh I must mention this! We taught Hannes how to speak basic Mandarin so we could amuse the class (since we were the first group).

We had to use another form of HanYu PinYin so he could understand us...hahaha It was absolutely hilarious! I shall post the video soon once I get it from Mabel..hahaha

After Corporate Finance class, Vivek had to go for his BP meeting and Hannes had to go settle his next exchange's visa and stuff (Lucky him! 2 exchanges in a row!), so it was just me, Joseph, David, Mabel and Hanna for lunch.

We decided to go for something good since it spells the end of class this week and the start of mugging for exams. We decided to go for 99 cents per plate sushi at Cathay House! And it was Hanna's favourite, decided to let her eat to her heart's content before she goes back to Sweden..ahaha

David ordered this,

Some mega Mango pudding with mango jelly and ice cream. It was not bad by Singapore's standard but so so by Hong Kong's..hahahaha

We all left after having a really long chat and it was before long, a full stomach and a night without sleep started to make us really tired and sleepy. We split our ways and I went home after attempting to stop myself from falling aslp at every single possible spot. I leaned on the pole in the train to sleep and almost drop my laptop because I almost slept too deep. Hahaha.i was leaning on the traffic light and dozing off. I dozed off on the bus ride home and almost missed my stop.

Man was I happy to reach home and find comfort on the sofa. The next thing I know was when I opened my eyes, it was 7.30pm. Wow. That was a long sleep.


Something random. Was looking through my grades through-out my years in SMU. It makes me regret why didn't I see this book on Amazon sooner:


Now it's time for my favourite dessert!

Boiled white fungus in rock-sugared water with red dates and lotus seeds! My favourite since..erm..since..very young. Hahahahaha..And it's best served chilled!!!!!

And then I am so going to sleep.

Quote of the day: "I'm the most important person in my life." - Unknown but it's probably me...hahah

There's a reason why I'm not in Science Faculty

I don't understand a single thing.

I have read through it like at least 3 times. I still don't understand. I mean, the statistics part is okay but the psychology jargons are just not helping..Hahahah..I have to Google every now and then!

There's probably a reason why I'm not studying Science or anything related. While reading through my notes, I suddenly recall my childhood dream of being a doctor.

And how it was shattered back in Sec 3 because I didn't make it to pure science class. I made it into Maths Class instead. How I wailed about having a bleak future.

Heaven has its way with a person's path sometimes I guess.. There's probably a reason why I strongly want to read my Corporate Finance notes more than this piece of Psychology article now :S

Quote of the day :
"People who says money is the root of all evil f***ing doesn't have any. - Ben Afflect"

No.7 Viral flu?

Had a bad case of gastric flu yesterday so this morning my mum brought me to another doctor.


What the hell is Number 7 viral flu?

Whatever it is, at least the new medicine makes me feel better.

I gotta say I am terribly sorry to my EF proj group mates. Dodani, Claressa, Chalene, Denise and Ryan, am super paiseh for this and missing out on the presentation.

I bao report.

Week 11 woes

I used to think no one else can handle my camera well. I can't too! Rarrrhhh, camera is getting increasingly blur too. Bleah. Maybe I just dunno how to handle it.

Banks are all writing down their profits for the quarter. It's crazy. Financial market crashing? Hmm, maybe as what prof says, maybe it will just stay good for another one year..hahahaahaha..yucks (paiseh writing this entry while in Corp Fnce class..ahahah)

Week 11 is starting off with a sulk. Bah. Dateline crunch. Readings are just piling up like crazy. Not to mention, I am 4 weeks away from the end of the term. I have no idea whether to rejoice that the holidays are coming or just cry that I am just another step nearer to graduation :(

Entrepreneurial Finance is driving me crazy. But for my favourite prof, fight on man!

There are still days I sulk over why didn't I get enlightened earlier in my uni days? Maybe my GPA would be so much higher now. Oh well, I need to stop wallowing in the depths of my self-pity pool.


Quote of the day:"Look ahead. Or you will never get ahead"

Emotional rollercoaster ride of the day

I woke up this morning feeling like shit. Coz I fell asleep at 10pm last night. And despite the 2am alarm I put for myself, I didn't wake up -_-. By the time I opened my eyes, it was 6am already -_-. Yea, time for school and I didn't even read up the case study I was supposed to. Not to forget the M&A assignment that I wanted to finish up.

Damn angry. And the fact that I didn't had a proper dinner the night before did not help. Hunger makes me more angry *fumes*

I started ranting to myself inside.

"Your are so frigging lazy. That's why you are so going to have the most humiliating graduation ceremony next year. So much for studying for 16 years and just to end it in such an embarrassing way."

Yes, no "cum laude" or what's not behind my Bachelor degree. It's just going to be:

"Wong Yu Hui. School of Economics. Bachelor of Science (Economics).[dead silence]"

Right, that cold hard silence that will highlight my stupidity that puts a ugly full dot to the end of my official education life. That ugly silence that will not bring my parents glory.

I got more angry. To the point that, by the time I was ready to leave at house at 7.15am, I just felt like staying at home and cry all day. I don't feel like going for classes.

I started going through my thoughts while I was in the train. Looking back at my academic life in SMU. Learned a lot, both inside and outside classes (though outside more :S), but guess my grades would never reflect it.

And then all of a sudden, I started to wonder why I feel so foul. I'm a happy person, isn't it? Never cry in front of anyone, never show sadness to anyone. Yea, and that compounded the sadness that got heavy inside.

I hate to reveal to anyone if I am upset, let alone cry. So frigging humiliating. And probably no one has the obligation to be at the receiving end of your gloominess. Hurhur.

By the time, I alight at City Hall, I really didn't feel like going school. I just wanted to find a corner where I could just hide and lick my emotional wounds in silence and away from everyone.

And guess what? Something flashed across my mind.

"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it."

It was something that a friend shared with me a few years back. She was a slow learner. Things we learned at a pace that we took for granted, was in fact a difficult step for her.

"I learn slow. But hey, we all are heading for the same direction! I may be slower, but hey I still will get to the destination. Even if it means having a few detours. Hahaha, I might even see more than you guys. Coz I got detour. Hahaha"

Guess what? Actually, I no longer remember her name. But what she said remained in my mind, all these years.

Well, of course, I still wallow in my own deep pool of self-demeaning every now and then.

My mood was actually great by the time I reached Business block -_-||. Everything became normal and I was back on track again.

When class ended at noon, I had a lunch with my Corp Finance group and we chatted away like crazy. In our world, we forgot about pressing project datelines and heavy schoolwork. Went off to meet the prof and straight after that, I went for my Psychology Research participation stuff.

On my way home, I suddenly realize, how come I'm not upset? I'm supposed to be! And then I started to feel foul all over again. Angry at myself for forgiving myself so fast. That's less than half the day!

But by the time I reach home, I was fine all over again. No point punishing myself over something I can no longer change. Look forward darling! That's your life ahead!

I can't believe I went through all the changes in emotions within a day, and all self-induced -_-.

I'm weird. Wahahahahaha

Anyway! Something coollllllzzzzzzz to share :)

SMU HOODIE! (I apologise for the silly grin. And omg, my cheeks are still slightly puffy from my surgery in Feb! Argh)

nice right?! Okie I mean,

I feel very Ivy League. Hahahaha..I wanna get the blue one too! But out of stock le -_-

And gawd, I didn't know my dark rings look so bad! It didn't look so bad in person! Bleah. I am starting to look like Jason Gab, whom I thought was a Filipino the first time I saw him. No wonder, I have pple mistaking me as a Filipino-mixed-smth these few weeks. -_- Another nationality to add to my portfolio. I already have Vietnam, Malay, Indonesian-Chinese, Thai-Chinese on the list! Sooner or later, I will have the whole range of SEA. Like what Sam says, he has never seen anyone who can blend different SEA features into one face. Thanks ah. I feel like rojak. Hahahah

Quote of the day: "Our greatest glory consist not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

My favourite one of all times. :)

Just what I need

I think this is good. We should put it all over SMU. Then we will have lesser muggers.


Gawd, I'm really morbid.

Quote of the day: "To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others."

Of shrieks and disappointment

Went for Resident Evil: Extinction yesterday with Sam. It was evidently a shriek-and-put-your-face-under-the-jacket movie. Hahahaha

The cinema was really empty for a Tuesday 2 pm slot so the moment we got in, I didn't waste time in making myself comfortable. Hahaha, slid all the way down deep into the chair..haah

Sam:"You make me feel like I am sitting in an elevated seat."
Me:"Well, there's a lot of leg space what."
Sam:"Coz your legs are short."

Rarrrrrhhhhh. Hahahahaha. I spend half my time hiding one eye from view, so I can avoid any gross scenes at like split second. Hahahah. Kinda looking forward to the 4th one. Oops, did I let off any secret? Hahaha

Got back my Entre Finance midterm today. Awww damn disappointing. Scored near full marks for the last 2 qns. But the 1st qn which is upon 30 marks totally killed me. I mis-read one line of the case and tada! I lost like 12 marks. Bleah.

Nebermind, I make sure I mug like shit for the final one. No more disappointments for myself, especially since the whole GPA was already one major disappointment on its own. Hahahahaha

Oh yea, just realised my Entre Finance prof actually has a Facebook account. Catching up with technologies was actually the key reason. Hahahaah


Quote of the day: "There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Time to start learning about directions

Went for Corporate Finance project meeting yesterday afternoon. Was not productive at all :( We had a pressing question to ask that popped up in the midst of the meeting and when we wanted to seek help from the professor, he wasn't around :(

Checked my Corp Finance midterm results during the meeting. 91 upon 100. Mean was 81. Guess I can do well if I want to. But..what's the point? It's my second last semester already. I guess the absence of a 4days a week part time job makes a lot of

Joseph persuaded me to go shopping with him to get a gift for his "girlfriend", whom he refused to he tell me her name -_-. Fineeeee, Joseph. Anyway, got her a nice necklace from Moshi Moshi.

But he made my 30 min shopping worth it coz my remuneration was ice cream from Venezia and a ride home. Hahahaha.

I guess it must be the most exasperating drive for him.

Jo:"Where is your house?"
Me:"Chai Chee Street."
Jo:"Where is it near?"
Me:"Oh! It's near a highway."
Jo:"Which one?"
Me:"I can't remember."

Some time later...

Jo:"Does this place look familiar?"
Me:"I really don't find it familiar..."
Jo:*bang me on the head* "You ah......"

After some more time..

Jo:"Okay, drive to Bedok MRT station, you should know how to go home from there right?"
Me:"YES!" proudly

And finally, I got home. Hahahaha, I hope Jo had enough petrol to go home! Hahaha :x

Quote of the day: "I am who I am. Your approval is not required."


The more career talks I go to, the more I dunno what I want to do. BAH. But went for ABN Amro yesterday, was extremely sure I am not joining them because:

1) My GPA didn't hit their requirement.
2) I don't really like the people/culture.

Oh well.

Went for Networking session as well. CapitaLand attracts me a lot. Think I shall apply there. Hopefully, their Graduate Development Program would find me attractive as a potential candidate too. Hahahahaha.

Networking session open a lot of options to me. Prior to that, everyone was like banks banks banks and more banks. Nothing else. There were 53 companies for the Networking session. Like Bloomberg, British American Tobacco, MINDEF (don't think I will join la coz I haven't start feeling that much for the nation yet...),Starwood ( I didn't know there's 40 hotel brands under them! Like Sheraton and W hotels, they are expanding to 110 by next year I think), Bank Julius Baer (private banking, not really my cuppa.Hahah), Kim Eng Securities and blah blah.

Still CapitaLand attracts me the most. Hahaha. Maybe I have seen it myself how big their presence are when I was in Beijing. See if they want me. ahaha

Quote of the day:"此处不留爷,自有留爷处"

Hurdle before break

I have 2 midterms this Saturday.

11 chapters for Intro to Psy. And 9 Chapters for Corporate Finance.

hoo hoo...and then I say hello to a 5 out of 7 days taken mid-term break.


Gawd, I hate having just one able eye

I can't jay-walk. Because I can't see the entire right side unless I turn my head till my left eye is able to see the right.

I dunno what's happening on my right side. And that's scary.

Tienfa: *put 2 fingers on my right* "How many fingers?"
Me: "None."
Tienfa: "There's 2! Take a chair and sit under the tree la.."

My left eye is really tired from working alone.

Shah says I am a walking hazard. Coz I keep bumping into people on my right.

I grabbed someone's shoulder blade instead of the bar on the train. Coz I have problem judging distance with one eye. Thank god he was nice. Haha.

Shane: "What happened to your eye?"
Me:"Eye infection"
Shane:"Don't bluff, must be kana beaten up."

Hahahahaha. Yeah, for peeping at guys in the shower, i guess. Hahaha

Terence calls me 独眼wong instead of 独眼龙. Boohoo. Yes you psy-tee-ko.

I want my right eye back la~~~~~~~

Oh no, starting to whine like Richard. Hahaha..oh Richard will hate me for this..hahahaha

Talks talks talks and more talks

It's like a must-do for every year 4 student to attend the endless career talks.

I'm not grumbling, but just that almost every talk sells the same thing. The only difference only appears when you do interactions with them over a nice fruit punch and snack.

So far most banks have left a pretty good impression on me. But then again, I know I will probably not be good enough to make it to any of them. Hurhur.

Quote of the day:

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I am frightened of old ones."

I like :)


Week 4 has ended. And here comes Week 5. Oh my gawd, how boring have all my blog entries become -_-

I was looking back through those entries I did when I was in Beijing. I was looking at life through a 42 inch plasma coloured television set back then. Now? I'm looking at life through the 15 inch black-and-white tv box. Dry and unknowningly revolting.

Now you go back to school, walk past a bunch of faces you cannot relate to. It just show one thing, I am truly year 4 already. Old bird. Hurhur.

Life is all about quizzes and projects now. It's barely Week 5 and I already have 3 quizzes and 1 project presentation in the past 4 weeks. Week 5, I have one more quiz and a few more assignments due. Bah.

It's back to those days when you wake up and have to think twice about what day is it today.

Professors are getting more xiong these days. I wonder why.

Oh life.

Week 4 and I am sleepy already

Time sure flies when you have a lot of things to do :S

It's like Week 4 of the term! Like omg! Absolutely shiteous. Nvm if the word don't even exist.

Went for SMUBE's ITP (Integrated Training Program) Camp on Friday (will post the photos soon. if not just go Facebook to see.). By the time we ended all the games, let the freshies bathe and bring them out for supper, it was already...3am on Saturday morning. And the fact that I slept only 2 hours the previous night didn't really help much. By the time we were ready for our AAR (After Action Review), I was practically zoning out already.

But the thing was, I couldn't sleep at all, so I ended up doing the case study for Corporate Finance, which was due for presentation this coming Tuesday. Bah. And then reading the scores of "Secret". Yes the very piece of music that allows the player to travel through time. I would love it if the piece really works.

I fell aslp on the bench at around 6 smth am, and woke up about 1 hour later due to the cold aircon. By the time, I packed me stuff, most of the freshies were up.

Chatted with some of them and it's hard to believe what SMU has become.

Me: How's school?
Freshie: Stressful. Very stressful.
Me: Lemme check. Year 1 Week 3?
Freshie: yea.
Me: You dunno what you are talking about.
Freshie: it's really bad. I got a culture shock when I came here.
Me: Why?
Freshie: It's so....MUGGISH.

Well, not that I can offer help on that part. Bohaha. Week 1 Saturday and the library is frigging packed already, I dunno where we are heading for this man. For all you know, we are breeding hard core muggers who no longer jumps or bend their backs for posters :S

The camp ended on a high note at around 5pm and it was time to go home for some well-deserved rest. Which I believe the planning committee of the camp needed more..

I reached home at already 7 plus pm and threw myself right on the bed. Yes, without bathing :S Woke up at 10pm, in a shocked state that I forgot to reply emails regarding the Corporate Finance meeting on Sunday (which was the next day). Replied emails, bathed and fell back to bed again.

Sunday was spent in school and ended up sleeping at 3am this morning because I had to do figures analysis for the Corp Finance case study. After swearing at the laptop and vow never to do at another income statement/balance sheet in the next 24 hours, I downloaded SMU Campus TV's latest episode: BEen Fooled! and had a good laugh before I slumped back to bed.

(anyway, do go to to download the episode! I swear it's funny)

Woke up at 8am, did some more work and went off to school for Corp Finance meeting at noon. It went pretty smooth, just that I broke my vow and had to look through more income statements and balance sheets for "value-adding materials" for the presentation. Who says new professors are slack? Mine happened to be really picky about content :S

Straight after the Corp Finance meeting was Entre Finance meeting. Flew to business block and everyone have had their business plans laid out for discussion. It suddenly dawned to me I didn't have an idea, so I quickly thought of one in 5 minutes and gave a brief presentation. -_-|| Did Corp Finance slides while going through the entre finance meeting. Multi-tasking sure becomes more taxing when the urge to zone out is sooo freaking strong.

Now I am researching on content to discuss on for M&A discussion forum. It's my last year in SMU, my final hopes to make my GPA look slightly more decent. (And I mean..above 3..ahahha)

Will be having another proj meeting at 7pm. Rarrrrhhhh

1st day of school!

Today marks the first day of school! After that amazing summer in Beijing/Qingdao/Inner Mongolia/Hong Kong, it's time to come back to reality and face school!

I will upload the photos soon, been a bit lazy recently since I have been slping and slping and slping since I came back from my near to 4 months trip. Of course, besices sleeping, I have been involved in Convocation again! Well, it's my last one, I have to go!

Will upload the photos soon!

Friday the 13th

Ah. I think i screwed up my Equity Investment paper...haiz. Let's just pray that my full marks assignment can help with the overall grades. Hahaha. Wishful thinking that is.

Will be having my last paper at 9am later. FIIM. (And it doesn't help that I still dun feel prepared and it's Friday the 13th as well.) And by noon! Yu Hui is free. And I have so many things to settle! Now going Beijing seems like a chore..hahaha

Oh yea been really hooked onto Wheat Grass yogurt drink nowadays..dunno why..hahaha...and super in love with watermelons too! I dunno why! I nv liked them!But now i eat them like twice a day. Still, i prefer them chilled and definitely seedless lo. I understand that the seeds can be swallowed..I wont choke I wont die...but it just doesn't feel good. I usually spend a good five minutes dissecting my slice of watermelon so I can fish out all the seeds. Chill them again and then TADA! Nice nice watermelon. Hahah. But I think next time I shld just suggest my parents get seedless ones. Or maybe..I should just make do with the seeds.

Well ok, time to hit the books again..Till then!

2 more days

2 more days and 2 more papers. By Friday noon, Yu Hui can celebrate her 4 mths freedom from SMU. On that day and at that timing, Yu Hui is going to divorce her man....(S)ingaporean (M)an by the name of (U) that is...just in case u r thinking otherwise...I am going to be freed from him for 4 mths!!!!!!! before falling back into the horrible marriage again in August..hahaha

And I so need to hit the gym..I haven ran for a week! And that's a terrible feeling.

Jia You!
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