Showing posts with label Band mates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Band mates. Show all posts

Halloween 2012 @ USS

Scaring myself to death is slowly becoming my must-do for Halloween in recent years. Maybe I should try going for costume parties next time. Hahaha.

Anyhow, a bunch of us headed down to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) for its Halloween Night. The number of people is just crazy. These are the people waiting for the Sentosa Rail (get us to Sentosa Island where the USS is located). Some got fed up with the queuing and decided to walk instead. We almost wanted to do that since it's only about 20 minutes but some ladies were in heels so we scrapped that option.

We were pretty lucky because we queued early and the crowd were cleared relatively quickly. Just remember not to get into EZ Link card problems. Hurhur. 

We spent on average an hour queuing for each haunted house. The more popular ones like the Haunted Alley and the Insanitarium probably took slightly more than an hour. Didn't manage to take many pictures as well because I was either screaming/running for my life or just too tired from the heat and queueing to take decent photos. Hahaha. We didn't manage to cover all the haunted houses though because we were more concerned about having enough time to ride the Transformers 3D. Ok fine, that was actually the main dish for the night. Hahaha. 

The Transformers ride I've never queued so long for a ride, oh wait, make that anything, in my entire life. The queue just went on...

and on..

and on..

before we saw a glimpse of hope:

And guess what? The ride only lasted 5 minutes! HAHAHAHAHA. It was such a huge WTH moment when we realized it was only 5 minutes! Hahahaha. We spent almost 2 hours queueing for it! WTH! Hahahaha.

But I can die in peace now that I've taken the ride. I'm also done with this theme park for the time being. Hahaha. 

Verdict of the night: Just pay that S$40 for the Express Pass if you are expecting some form of a crazy crowd. It's really really really worth it ;-)

Happy Three Friends 2012

Was cleaning up my SD card for the upcoming Tianjin trip and chanced upon these shots from August. It was the August trio's birthday gathering at 112 Katong.

I can't believe we are already a decade into our friendship and all of us are still going strong! Well except for Alan who fell off the face of the earth ever since he got married. Hahaha.

August babies: Cedric, HoTY and Jon. Both Cedric and Jon are getting married next year. The boys are growing up so fast! Hahaha

It's hard to imagine what JC life would have been like without them. With all that mugging and band practices, we were pretty much all we had, to tide each other through endless tutorials, lectures and never-ending hours in the band room. 

Happy Birthday boys! Cheers to 10 years of friendship and many many more to come :) 

Dinner at Loola's

So the gang met up for dinner at Loola's (Esplanade) on Sunday night. Always trust the boys to find new awesome food places for birthday gatherings ;-)

I wouldn't say the food is exceptional (judging by price tag that is haha, none of the mains were below $25 if I remember correctly). Haha.  I think their all-day breakfast menu is most value for money hurhur (definitely not egg benny if you are not a veggie lover).

I had pan-seared pork belly. It's really good! It was a little meat overload for me though. I could really do with more carbs on my plate..

I would go back again, but for all day breakfast the next time round. Hurhur.

Procreation Inc. is funny

I stumbled across this really old (2008) post of mine and goodness - it's a piece of gold. I almost died laughing re-reading it.

Actually this is really good business proposition. HAHAHAHA. Anyone care to consider?

Christmas Rush

The 2 week flu brought my Christmas shopping to a complete halt. It's like 4 days away from Christmas and I've only bought the small gifts meant for my office pals.

That kinda translate I'm pretty dead meat if I don't get my act together by TONIGHT. There will be zero shopping time on Thursday because I'm catching Wicked Musical with the BF and then rush home for Winter Solstice celebrations. And Friday well, erm kinda the first day I have to start DISTRIBUTING gifts. I have 3 Christmas gatherings over the weekend and I've got zilch gifts ready for them.

Don't remind me I haven't really gave a serious thought about what to buy for the Secret Pao gift. (Band mates. 9 years friendship. Secret Santa Game. Go figure.)

Oh holy crap.

And Daniel turns 26!

Super backdated post but..

One year nearer to retirement!!! :))))

Birthday 2011: Shiyuan turns 26!

Dinner at Hanabi. Post dinner activities at our favourite Tampines Mind's Cafe. I can't describe the feeling of celebrating one another's birthday with this clique for the last, my my 8 years!

Happy Birthday Shiyuan! 

Happy Three Friends

I like how Daniel labelled the album so I shall steal it for this entry's title ;)

We celebrated Tzih Yih's, Jonathan's and Cedric's birthday yesterday, happy birthday boys!:

Cheers to 7 years of friendship and more!!!! ;)


I can't believe Alan made this stuff toy himself. (It was for Shiyuan's birthday):

Alan! I'm still very impressed! 
So can I have an Elmo on my birthday? 

On a side note, my eyebags are so big, my eyes have shrunk =((
I need to sleep more and work less.
And my face is so round!! I need to stop eating!! I need to exercise more and eat less. 
I just want to say....Cheers to 7 years of friendship!!!

I'm not talking sense. Hahaha

Procreation Inc.

This is what I got from Cedric's birthday celebration last week.

Wow I never clique of band boys have such brilliant ideas. Hahaha.

It all started with....the Tammy video, which I have absolutely no memory of. After some memory refresh from the boys, it was actually some sex private video not meant to be made public. Which did and created big hoo-haa quite a few years back. It's amazing how the boys remember and I can't even recall.

Me: "How do you guys remember such things?"
Tzih Yih: "Because I SBB (Se Beh Beh aka lecherous uncle) ma."
Me: "HAHAHA. That was actually your project for the module SBB201 right."
Tzih Yih: "OMG you found out. Actually the whole Edison Chen scandal was my thesis for SBB400.."

Topics somehow moved to prostitution areas in the world. I shared my knowledge of the practice in Amsterdam (got it from JiaHui - SMUBE), Thailand (from my prof - he was doing a paper on it la, don't tink otherwise) and China (I was there to see it myself). Tzih Yih shared his about Geylang (no surprise..) and some other SEA countries. The other boys started to chip in too.

And the greatest business plan started to form. All because Tzih Yih's biggest dream is to be King Pimp. HAHA.

As this business is morally wrong politically correct, we will take on a neutral name: Procreation Inc. It's very 挂羊头卖狗肉 meaningful business where we can help push sex rates up in this increasingly lonely planet. As we are fulfilling humans' needs from the very bottom level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we are certain this business plan can take off.

Company Motto
When you hold the world by its balls, you are in control 

Company Slogan
Make love, not war

And so as what Tzih Yih says, when we are in control, the world will finally be at peace. HAHA.
Our office area will have babes as security guards, wearing a different set of uniform everyday to fit different themes. They are to carry handcuffs and whips around instead of guns. Of coz walkie-talkies are required because they are hired for safety of our office in the first place. DUH.

To start the business on the right note, we will have a network of prostitutes valued employees under our wings and we will start the pimping business. We will start it small where it's vibrant. So we will start in Vietnam and Thailand first. Headquarter will be situated in Singapore. I head the Business Development department where I will be the one exploring opportunities and diversifying our portfolio. Shiyuan as the Biological Science student will be the one handling our R&D where we will discover ways to curb HIV since that's the one of the main concerns of our business. Jiahui the Business student will be handling our finances (when to invest in quality role-playing costumes and stuff like that). Alan the IT student will be handling our online bookings and webpage maintenance.  Cedric and Daniel the engineering students, will be involved in engineering well funky toys under the R&D department. Wendy the physiotherapist will ensure we all practise good postures and of coz, well being of everyone. Tzih Yih? Chairman HoTY (Ho Tzih Yih). HAHA

When our profits are stable, we will expand our networks to centralize all brothels business centres, taking idea from Amsterdam's prostitutes workers' welfare network. This will also be the time where we will start to change our revenue drivers mixture. From mainly commoners on the streets, we will include more high end consumers now. We thrive to serve consumers from all levels.

This is where taking over hotels/resorts and airline companies come into the picture. Hotels will now take on the new identity of HoTYels (in view of Chairman HoTY). It's to capture the individuals from the HNW (High Net Worth) and UHNW (Ultra-High Net Worth). Why airline companies? I have the idea of purchasing A380s where we have cabins installed and our clients can do whatever services they require from our company. The same goes for the pilots since our planes will be set to autoflight mode and they are free to enjoy the exact services. As what Chairman HoTY says: "That's what cockpits are designed for what." I came up with the idea that all air stewardesses for our company planes will be our valued employees. Costume attractions is fatal. And I swear, we will probably attract best talents with such fantastic employee perks.

As we gain foothold in the industry, we aim to educate the public. Chairman HoTY will donate funds to his school and have the library named after him. One request is to have a section of the library dedicated to books on sexology and our business. He will advocate the start of a degree in Sexology as well. This course will include video-making, excursions to our brothels business centres and of course, real life experiments. Students are encouraged to be part of their own experiment. Investment in education is mandatory, this is to ensure a steady stream of talents into our corporation in future.

We plan to have our own theme parks as well where the main focus is on procreation. There will be walk-throughs and try-outs for interested parties. We do not believe in hard selling.

Chairman HoTY believes the team will make it to the cover of TIME magazine before we all hit 30 and will be labelled People of the year. We will grace business magazines' covers with Chairman HoTY in the middle, holding 2 valued employees by his side. He plans to build a new Procreation Mansion. Playboy Mansion will be part of history. We vision ourselves to be the number 1 company to work for in future as well.

To capture the UUHNW (Ultra Ultra High Net Worth) market, we intend to take this business to the space in future. Building HoTYels (in the name of Chairman HoTY) on the moon and probably Mars as well. In the future when our R&D takes off in more advanced stages, we might wanna expand our business to the Milky Way. Our client base will include aliens as well. In terms of the monetary value they can provide us in return, we are uncertain.

Chairman HoTY has no intentions of finding a successor as he believes he's the only one who can handle this business. So he intends to have all employees buried with him in his tomb and all Terra Cottas will be in bikini and G-strings.

Bottom line is : SEX SELLS. And whatever that sells, earn big bucks. Big bucks translates into big returns for every cent invested.

As you can see, this business plan is worth the globe man. Any keen investors? HAHA

The ORQ way

It's nice to watch fireworks without the crowd =))

P.S: This is the only video with a smaller size. The other is wayyyy too big. Lol

The sore throat

I dunno why but I'm really prone to sore throats these days. I just recovered from one barely one month ago and now it's back again.

The difference is the culprit this time round is a virus, the previous one was caused by bacteria. To me there's no segregation since both made my life difficult. Haha.

Was at Ikea and Giant with the band boys when the sore throat suddenly took a turn for the worst. The pain went straight into my ears and it was started to become unbearable. Jiahui and I head off to a clinic near our place and we had the longest waiting time ever I swear.

Not to mention my close encounter with death at the traffic light near my place on my way home. One Indian man was crossing the road so I thought it was red light, in my groggy state, I crossed too. The key thing was, the black Mercedes even slowed down for me to cross. It only dawned to me it was still green light when out of the corner of my eyes I saw a red car speeding towards me.

Thank goodness I was near the pavement already =S

Something really random: Huifanggggggggggg~~~~~~, go Nike Plus Human Raun with me la~~~~~ since we didn't manage to get into Shape Run...I know we both can't do's ok we can walk the rest..hahaha =))

Who knows?! We might see our all time favourite prof there =)))))))))))

What a great source of motivation. Haha

Daniel's 23rd Birthday

Wah as I typed 23rd..I feel old already :S Haha

Trying to update this blog before I head off to Malacca tmr =))

The band clique met up to celebrate Daniel's 23rd birthday last Sunday. Shiyuan, Alan, Ziyi and me met up first to write Daniel's card =))

Alan, true to his name as the Artistic Director of our clique (ok la I assigned that name one la..), created a really nice gift box and individual cards for each of us!

My card:
If you can't read what's on it, it means you are not intellectual enough. It reads "Intellect Gal" by the way. Wahahaha. I'm number 7 in the clique coz I am second youngest in the clique of 8.

The gift box which contains a lot of picts of our clique activities:

To do this, Alan didn't sleep very much I think. But I totally admire that creativity spirit man..coz yours truly is someone who prefers to settle such things by monetary means...hahaha

We head off to Central for the best-est best Ramen ever!! It's called Marutama Ramen and OMGGGGGGGGGG I swear heaven tastes just like it la..

The Gyoza the boys ordered:

The ramen from heaven....:

And not to forget the seasoned egg I managed to steal from Alan's bowl..:
OMG it's heavenly! even the egg is nice! It has this light soya sauce taste in's like OMG!

The boys even add noodles for $1 after they finish their first round! It was that good! OMG I totally need to visit that place again =))

We head off to Carl's Jr so we could cut cake and get some drinks and waffle fries as well =))

Daniel's birthday cake from Awfully Chocolate:

Oooo banana filling...niceeeeeeeee (would have been better if it's peppermint though..haha):

Group shot:
Would have been better if the cake was in the picture too..haha

We split up after that since some of the boys wanted to go to PC show but it was toooo crowded for me :S

So Daniel, Alan and I went off for ice cream at Swensen's =)) Bday boy's treat leh! Hahaha. Will never forgive myself for missing it. Hahaha

About an hour later, the rest of the boys came back from the PC show happy and satisfied and it was time to end our day.

Alan, my professional bag-carrier for the day.

Was supposed to settle some stuff in school on that day but but but...I can't because I forgot my adapter -_-. Great memory I got there.

Something strike me while taking this shot. If my bag looks so big and droopy for a near 1.8m frame...I cannot imagine how short I look when I carry my bag :S

And Alan, I think my pink bag goes very well with your baby lavender shirt..hahaha

If you don't get the joke, nvm, it's an insider joke that only the 8 of us know. Haha.

Happy Birthday Daniel! Hope you like the bag and cards we gave you =)))

Festival Fantasia

Met up with the boys last Saturday for Festival Fantasia. Performance by Singapore Festival Orchestra:

Actually we kinda went without knowing the repertoire. Hahah. Or it was just me la.

I love my "boyfriend's shirt" coz it's very airy. Perfect for hot weathers =))

For some reason..I look like a freelance (insert job)

Performance was excellent! Although the Carmen Fantasy wasn't exactly a fantasy because of the violinist but on the whole it's pretty good. And listening to "Swan Lake" and "Flight of the Bumblebee" live is just incredible!

Great food for the soul I would say =))

Was telling Alan (who was sitting next to me) if there's another performance that comprises of all my favourite classics like:
Sarasate - Carmen Fantasy - Nodame Orchestra

Spring - Vivaldi

Les Toreadors (The Toreador Song) - Georges Bizet

Air On The G String - Johann Sebastian Bach

Antonin Dvorak - Humoresque -

Radetzky March - Strauss

Symphony No. 40 in G minor - Classical - Mozart

Symphony No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 67: Allegro Con Brio - Manchester Camerata

Overture: William Tell - Rossini

Just to name a few la, can't possibly put all in. If there exist one performance that have all my favourite classics, I will gladly pay at least $100 for it.

Honest. Coz it's so nice to hear it live! I can't describe the feeling of hearing your favourite tracks live. The passion of the players, how the musical notes are dancing around you...

Make me wanna go for another performance soon =))

We went to this place (I can't remember the name of the shop) and ordered green tea latte:

Nice!!! We spent about 1 hour plus talking about music and childhood stuff. Lol.

The part about music was gooddd =))

Of fried brains and great friends

Went out in full suit today at about 5am this morning for Assessment Centre. It was an almost 9 hour session. Despite it being mentally draining, I would say it's fun.


And not to mention the bunch of friends I made through that session =)) So even if I don't get through, it's an experience worth remembering and of coz friends worth keeping =))

Was supposed to meet the boys at Bugis for dinner but I arrived early and went to roam around the bookstores in my stupid heels and very fried brain. Location got changed to City Hall and honestly I was on the verge of cursing already. Hahaha. I got myself 2 magazines to calm my soul and moved on to travel to City Hall.

Met the ever-early Shiyuan outside Body Shop. Got him in to smell Strawberry shower gels with me and introduced him to makeup. Hahaha. I got bored with Body Shop and got him to shop around Guardian (and making him smell lip glosses...But only ending up telling me these are all chemicals blah blah..typical Bio-Science student...-_-) while I dumped all my things to him since both my bag and plastic bag of magazines were breaking my arms.

A very reluctant shot by Jiahui who joined us shortly

Thanks dude! Or else I would have died holding that 2 bags =)))

Eh my bag was really heavy. Coz I stuffed too many things into too small a space -_-.

I was hungry. Shiyuan was hungry. Jiahui was hungry. So we decide to head for dinner while waiting for Alan. Alan came along and he became the new target to hold my bag. Coz even Shiyuan finds it heavy!

Ok let's not blame the dude, he's been dragon-boating before this.

Smallest but bulkiest thing I swear

I honestly dunno the meaning behind this picture:
Because my initial aim was to gauge what was the height difference between Alan and I after I have my 2.5 inches heels on.

And not to forget Jiahui who was carrying my bag of mags all the way till he alight at his place.

Thanks peepz!

Ok la, everyone gets a siew mai next time yea?
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