Hello, June :)

Thursday, June 28, 2018

This is such a late hello! Has it been 6 months since my last post?!  So much has happened in the last 179 days that I have no idea where to start. The boy and I became official owners to our place (after granting 2.5 months extension to the sellers), kick-started and wrapped up our home renovation and threw the biggest wedding party (just 5 days ago!) to celebrate the start of our journey as Mr and Mrs  It has been a beautiful 2018 thus far and I can't wait for the rest of...

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

Monday, January 1, 2018

*Wipes away cobweb* Wow it's been so so long since my last update here! Since I lack creativity and originality, I've decided to stick with this title moving forward, similar to 2017's and 2016's. So 2017... was quite a year! It has been an immensely fulfilling year for me for both work and personal side of things. 2017 was much more fulfilling than 2016 in many ways but I found myself more whiny and less happy. I'm not too sure why! I guess it's one of those things where you get everything...

Read List 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

As an attempt to ensure I keep to my reading goal I'm going to start documenting the books I read :) Will update this list whenever I finish a book!   Just realized that I would highly recommend almost every book that I've included in this list - that's because if one book doesn't catch my attention, I would have stopped reading it before it made it to this list  1. 5 people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom This was an incredibly easy read, much like his famous "Tuesdays...

The proposal

Saturday, January 7, 2017

 I really should put this in writing so I will remember details of this day :) As mentioned in a separate post, J and I shopped for the ring way before this proposal took place. TO be exact, it was almost a year before haha. While I know he will only propose after coming back from Shanghai for good, I had no inkling when he will do it. I was pretty sure he will do it on my birthday in November so I did not see it coming during the anniversary celebration in September! The Setting The boy...

Read List - 2016

Thursday, January 5, 2017

As an attempt to ensure I keep to my reading goal I'm going start documenting the books I read on a monthly basis.  Will update this list whenever I finish a book! Jan 2016 1. Think like a freak: The authors of Freakonomics offer to retrain your brain I've been a big fan of this series since college days and I'm glad they continue to introduce new books over the years. Similar to other books in the range, they brought up many cases/scenarios where your brain is hardwired...
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