Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Read List 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

As an attempt to ensure I keep to my reading goal I'm going to start documenting the books I read :) Will update this list whenever I finish a book!   Just realized that I would highly recommend almost every book that I've included in this list - that's because if one book doesn't catch my attention, I would have stopped reading it before it made it to this list  1. 5 people you meet in heaven - Mitch Albom This was an incredibly easy read, much like his famous "Tuesdays...

Read List - 2016

Thursday, January 5, 2017

As an attempt to ensure I keep to my reading goal I'm going start documenting the books I read on a monthly basis.  Will update this list whenever I finish a book! Jan 2016 1. Think like a freak: The authors of Freakonomics offer to retrain your brain I've been a big fan of this series since college days and I'm glad they continue to introduce new books over the years. Similar to other books in the range, they brought up many cases/scenarios where your brain is hardwired...

Hello Warren

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Happiness is when your books get delivered way before the stipulated date :)  Didn't expect them to be so thick but I guess I will be occupied for a realllyyyy long time ;)...

April's To-Read

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I've been doing a lot of readings these days - especially after my sister introduced me "The Greatest Trade Ever", which follows various finance folks' ups and downs 2 years prior to the epic sub-prime meltdown in 2008. The book focused mainly on John Paulson, an obscure hedge fund manager who saw the bubble and bet against the crisis 2 years before it exploded. It ended with him making $15 billion solely out from that trade. It was extremely well-written and easy to follow. It surely has lit up...

Remembering Lichuan

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The last few weeks has been nothing but work, work, trying to catch up on my Bahasa Indonesia reading materials (failed terribly at that), reading up more on asset management and catching up on all the new downloads on my Kindle. I chanced upon the trailer of  "Remembering Lichuan"  on Youtube and recalled I read that internet novel many years ago. The trailer is a bit different from the what I've imagined the story and the characters to be. Now I'm going to re-read the novel again to...

Top Sellers (Fiction) for 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

(according to NY Times) (1) Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich (2) The Forgotten by David Baldacci (3) The Last Man by Vince Flynn (4) The Racketeer by John Grisham (5) Merry Christmas, Alex Cross by James Patterson (6) Life of Pi by Yann Martel (7) Agenda 21 by Glenn Beck (8) Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (9) Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James (10) The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts (11) Fifty Shades Freed by E.L. James (12) Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James For the full list, read here. For the...

Serious soft spots

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I can resist splurging on most things in life. Except for stationery...and books. I have some serious soft spots for them, especially if the books are in Chinese and are all about self-improvement. I blame my dad for making me a geek. The very reason why I should never be left alone in a book store. Either I'm going to bring home either some new (and in my opinion always cool) stationery or just a pile of books. I'm already running out of space to store them. Blogged from my iPho...

Fifty Shades Trilogy

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You have no idea how relieved I am to finish the trilogy. No more reassurance of love every 2 sentences and really weird plot development. Oh wait, there isn't much of a plot in the first place. For the uninitiated about what's the plot (or the lack of) for the trilogy, do read it here. If you want to spare yourself the pain of reading all three books but wants to know the quality of them, do read the reviews by this lady. I laughed so hard reading them, and sadly I have to agree with most of...

Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed

Sunday, August 5, 2012

So...I'm officially done with Book 2: Fifty Shades Darker. It's marginally better than Book 1: Fifty Shades of Grey since it focuses a lot more on Christian Grey's dark past and why he is into all this BDSM thingy. I think the whole series would do better if E.L James had bothered to develop this character a little more, with all that child abuse and being made Submissive by a cougar through most of his youth. Ana Steele is really quite a one-dimensional character, so there isn't much to develop...

50 shades of confusion

Saturday, August 4, 2012

This is how Quek look while reading certain portions of 50 Shades of Grey. HAHA. Okok I made him read some selected chapters just to have a good laugh at his expressions. Blogged from iPho...

Current Read: Fifty shades of Grey

Friday, August 3, 2012

Just started Book 1: Fifty Shades of Grey on Wednesday and I'm already 3/4 way through Book 2: Fifty Shades Darker. It's not a difficult book to read especially when it's so repetitive. HAHA. I have lost track of the number "moans/groans", "Oh, Ana", "Oh, Christian", "twitchy palms", "I love you", "my dreamy Greek god/Adonis" and oh my god, sex scenes like everywhere. Don't these people have daily duties to fulfill instead of having sex like every other moment of the day?? I think there's an average...

Falling for me

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I chanced upon this book as a "New Arrival" at the national library a week or two back. Since I was one book away from the maximum loan quote of 6, it was more of a might-as-well. The author who is as well the focus of this book, Anna David, is an American journalist and television personality specializing in relationship as well as addiction and recovery (she was an alcoholic). Smart, successful and single, she decided to re-examine and recalibrate her life after chancing upon a classic written...

Eat, Pray, Love

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I'm finally done with the book - really took my own sweet time on this one. Hurhur. For the uninitiated, Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia is a personal memoir of Elizabeth Gilbert. It chronicles her trip around the world after her divorce and the discoveries she made during her travels. You can read more about the story here.  The book features 108 short stories, 36 for each country - it's easy to digest (although some parts about Italy's...

The Alchemist

Sunday, July 1, 2012

I've finally gotten down to finish The Alchemist. It's such a lovely read. A book of pure magic, it's about a simple shepherd boy venturing out into the world to fulfill his Personal Legend and to seek great treasures. I love how short and sweet the book is, but yet able to cover so much ground which addresses the struggles and fears one may face when pursuing his/her dreams. I wish I could scribble and underline all the important quotes (which is almost every other line) and paste them like all...


Monday, May 7, 2012

Was cleaning out my bookshelf the other day and came across this really old book of mine. Wise words don't get old I must say. 不是顺心如意让人欢喜, 而是欢喜让人顺心如意. 你不能决定命运, 但你可以随缘自在. 你不能左右天气, 但你可以改变心情. 你不能改变容貌, 但你可以展现笑容. 你不能控制他人, 但你可以掌握自己. 你不能预知明天, 但你可以利用今天. 你不能样样顺利, 但你可以事事尽力. Amazing stuff . I finished it in 2 days! Ok make that 1.5. Haha. I'm devouring books at amazing speeds these days since I'm just hanging out in my study (studying valuation bibles that is..), helping out in the kitchen or taking calls/meeting...

Fuel for the soul

Sunday, April 22, 2012

One of my favourite books of all times. Short and easy to digest. Always make me feel like I'm ready to conquer the world after reading it. Haha ...
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