Random thought

Someone asked for my help yesterday.

She's the facial lady I've been with for the last 8 years and is considered a pretty close friend of mine. She filed for divorce and needed someone to explain to her in details what her ex-husband's lawyer had submitted in his defense.

I spent 2 hours sitting with her, hearing her talk about her marriage and how it eventually disintegrated. Along the way, I wrote down pointers and how untrue most of the things were in the statement of defense. I spent another 4 hours at home that day, doing up her responses in English for her lawyer (her lawyer is Indian and none of his assistants seemed to be effectively bilingual enough. If any, they didn't come for free) and writing up a Chinese version for her to keep for her own reference.

Met her up today and briefed her of what I've wrote and that I've minimized the usage of emotional wordings so we will be as factual as possible. She thanked me profusely, and gave me a bunch of free skin products as thank you.

It's undeniable a great feeling, knowing that something you are good at (translating materials both ways, Chinese to English and vice-versa) helped someone that much. I wonder if there's an organization which helps poorly educated individuals who lacked the network or financial capability to seek help for such documentations. I would love to volunteer with them.

1 comment:

  1. Volunteer with the meet-the-people session. It fits the exact mold of how you want to help. There should be one in your area. Its under political wing though.


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