Gifts for yourself this Christmas :)

It's 1 hour to Christmas and I'm home here typing a blog entry. Hahaha. I just finished 2 rounds of Christmas celebrations with (clearly) 2 separate groups of people. I'm supposed to head west for another celebration but too much food has rendered my system a little too uncomfortable :(

And that explains why I'm home early and having an old fart kinda Christmas celebration - curled up on the sofa with TV and laptop. Hurhur. Oh and a glass of warm water too. Hahaha.

While you gift yourself expensive bags and goods this festive season (because yes you deserve them! :) ), how about giving yourself some amazing and free gifts too? I came across the following list in the afternoon and it resonate with me so much, especially so for the highlighted points.

1. The freedom to be unapologetically YOU.
2. An uninhibited imagination.
3. An open mind.

4. The commitment to fail forward - Failing is as certain as sunsets and detours. So why exert energy avoiding the unavoidable? Embrace it. Shift your energy from protecting yourself from failure to squeezing the life out of life. Get real comfortable with that uneasy feeling of going against the grain and trying something new. Doing so will always take you to places you never thought you could go.

5. Using encouraging words - Words are powerful. They can create or they can destroy. The simple words you choose, especially when you speak to yourself or about yourself, can offer encouragement and positive thoughts going forward, or they can send you further into despair. So choose your words wisely.

6. A 'glass' filled with the right things - It's not just whether your glass is half-empty or half-full that matters. You also have to be mindful of what you're filling your glass with. Be sure to fill it with those things that satisfy you soul; good friends and family to love, passions to pursue, dreams to fulfil,  and charity for others. Because the only situation more tragic than seeing your glass as half-empty, is filling your glass until it is overflowing, and then realizing that there's nothing in it to satisfy your thirst for a meaningful life.

7. Enjoying what you have. - The thing you need to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it. Think positive, be positive, and positive things will happen. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not. Enjoy your blessings right now. Remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Celebrate this. Work on being appreciative and happy that when others look at you, they become a little happier too.

8. Lifelong learning.

9. Hope. - Remember, it's always darkest just before the dawn. Never underestimate the strength of your will to live after a loss, to love after heartache, or to rise after a fall. For although your troubles may be too dense and dark right now for you to see the light, that doesn't mean there isn't a strong spirit within them, or a beautiful sunrise just beyond the horizon. 

10. Spirituality.
11. Stability and love at home.

12. A positive temper - Anger can be useful in calling your attention to issues that require your response; but anger itself is not an effective response. Take a slow, deep breath, and remind yourself of how much more effective you can be by maintaining a positive, results-oriented approach to the issue at hand. Don't let the silly, thoughtless, destructive actions of others trap you in an unproductive state of anger. Take note of your anger, let it go, redirect your focus on being your best self, and you'll sure emerge with a smile.

13. A sense of humour - He or she who laughs, lasts. A sense of humour is a major defense against minor troubles - something life is filled with. So laugh as often as you can with those around you, for your sake and theirs.

14. Doing the best you are capable of. - Don't complain about something you can actually do something about. Take action. Do the best that you're capable of. Any less is cheating yourself. Those who get the most from life are those who give the most. Find something you're passionate about, and keep tremendously interested in it and focused on it.

15. Being the change you want to see - Happiness, freedom, and peace of mind are always attained by giving them without expectation. The only way to raise yourself up is to raise others up - to raise your world up - to raise all of life just a little higher. Joy comes to you when you give it. Happiness becomes yours when you live it. Everything you need you are already capable of being. So smile from the heart and fulfill the destiny that is yours in this priceless moment.

Source: Marc and Angel

Which are the ones you would like to gift yourself this Christmas in order to welcome the brand new year to come? :)

Merry Christmas all! :) Hope all of you are spending this joyous season with your loved ones! Stayed blessed :)

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